Office of Sponsored Programs

The Office of Sponsored Programs is the university’s central office of grant administration. OSP is a partner to faculty and 工作人员 in their pursuit of external funding for research, creative activities, 教育学, 和服务. Our mission is to make the process of applying for funds (both internal and external) as stress-free as possible. Through consultations, 研讨会, and individualized searches, OSP helps the 波胆平台 community identify funding opportunities and craft competitive applications. We also take the administrative burden off of your shoulders by filling in application forms, drafting budgets, providing boiler plates, 编辑草稿, and ushering your project from conception to funding.

OSP welcomes the opportunity to serve you in your quest for funding, including the following areas

  • Draft budget and budget justifications with faculty.
  • Complete grant application forms.
  • Provide consultations for project development and proposal review.
  • Provide boiler plates for standard grant components such as multiple-PI leadership plans, 设施, biosk等hes, 等.
  • Provide examples of funded proposals.
  • Provide assistance in securing institutional approvals and signatures.
  • Package and mail proposals for faculty.
  • Conduct grant writing 研讨会 for faculty & 工作人员.
  • Serve as a liaison with external agencies.

All external grant submissions must be submitted by the Office of Sponsored Programs. Grants are made to the institution and not the individual and, 因此, it is imperative that all compliance checks are completed by 波胆平台 authorized personnel for submission. Please contact OSP prior to submission and plan on completing all ancillary documents (everything except the “science”), including subaward documents to us 7 business days prior to the submission deadline. The science* should be submitted at minimum 4 days before submission deadline. Science* = Main body of the Proposal. We ask this to ensure that are putting forth a compliant proposal and that we can guarantee that the proposal gets in on time. You also must enter all documents for submission in the 研究门户.